Monday, July 31, 2006

A Little Bit About Me

I'm 46 years old, have three children (ok, 3 adults.) Kristen is an eighth grade English teacher, married to Chris and living in Virginia. Kelly is a journalist for a newspaper in Virginia and Brad is a junior at Appalachian State in Boone, North Carolina. I have three cats (all orange tabbies.) When each of the kids went away to college, I replaced them with a cat! It did help somewhat with that awful empty nest feeling. The picture is of Krisi's and Chris's wedding with our family.

I had a bad shoulder injury in June so have been slow in quilting the last few months, it is much better now so I am hoping to get busy again with all of the ideas in my head.

We're not sure how long we will be here in the Netherlands, but the people are lovely and their are oodles of quilt shops and many talented quilters. I hope to meet more in the future. I usually try to rope in a quilt shop when Ed and I go on a day trip. He hasn't complained too much yet!

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